While kiwifruit has a high nutritive and health value, a small proportion of the world's population ...
kiwifruit pomace and kiwifruit are rich in dietary fiber 獼猴桃殘次果生產(chǎn)酶的可能性進(jìn)行了研究
Kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Planch, Actinidiaceae) waste results from rejected kiwifruits, which ...
Kiwifruit dietary fiber consists of cell-wall polysaccharides that are typical of the cell walls of many dicotyledonous fruits 獼猴桃膳食纖維對腸胃的影響
Kiwifruit dietary fiber consists of cell-wall polysaccharides that are typical of the cell walls of ...
Kiwifruit have a very short history of cultivation,Domestication of Actinidia Species 獼猴桃的馴化發(fā)展歷史
Domestication of Actinidia Species Kiwifruit have a very short history of cultivation. In China, the...
the female kiwi plant needs to be pollinated by a male plant 獼猴桃雌株需要授粉才能正常結(jié)果
In order to get kiwifruits, the female kiwi plant needs to be pollinated by a male plant. The latter...
Kiwifruit companies to amalgamate,Seeka announces third amalgamation in 2021 獼猴桃公司將合并,Seeka宣布2021第三次合并
Kiwifruit companies to amalgamate,Seeka announces third amalgamation in 2021 獼猴桃公司將合并,Seeka宣布2021第三次...
SunGold Kiwi vs Green Kiwi: What is the Difference? 新西蘭陽光金果對吧綠心獼猴桃有什么不同點(diǎn)
SunGold Kiwi vs Green Kiwi: What is the Difference? 新西蘭陽光金果對吧綠心獼猴桃有什么不同點(diǎn) ▲Kiwi pollen▲ Kiwi is a gre...