Kiwi Pollen sold pollen imported from Chile, that all of its from New Zealand 從智利進口的花粉,同時聲稱其所有獼猴桃花粉都來自新西蘭

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Kiwi Pollen sold pollen imported from Chile, that all of its from New Zealand 從智利進口的花粉,同時聲稱其所有獼猴桃花粉都來自新西蘭
Published11 Sep 2012
The Commerce Commission has warned kiwifruit pollen supplier Kiwi Pollen (NZ) Limited for potentially misleading its customers about where some of its pollen was from.

美國商務委員會警告獼猴桃花粉供應商Kiwi pollen(NZ)Limited可能誤導其客戶關于其部分花粉的來源。

Zealand Kiwi Pollen

▲ Pollen Company

In September and October 2010, Kiwi Pollen sold pollen imported from Chile, while at the same time making claims that gave its customers the impression that all of its kiwifruit pollen was sourced from New Zealand.

2010年9月和10月,Kiwi Pollen出售從智利進口的花粉,同時聲稱其所有獼猴桃花粉都來自新西蘭。

Zealand Kiwi Pollen

▲Share a technical training information from New Zealand Kiwi Pollen Company

Kate Morrison, the Commission’s General Manager of Competition, said that, although most of Kiwi Pollen’s product was sourced from New Zealand during that time, Kiwi Pollen did not tell its customers when it was also selling them imported pollen.

委員會競爭總經理Kate Morrison表示,盡管在此期間Kiwi Pollen的大部分產品都來自新西蘭,但Kiwi Pollun沒有告訴客戶何時也向他們出售進口花粉。

where are zespri kiwi grown

▲where are zespri kiwi grown

“In fact Kiwi Pollen’s website continued to give the impression that all of its pollen was collected from properties in New Zealand,” said Ms Morrison.

Morrison女士說:“事實上,Kiwi Pollen的網站仍然給人一種所有花粉都是從新西蘭采集的印象?!?。

Zealand Kiwi Pollen

▲Share a technical training information from New Zealand Kiwi Pollen Company

Ms Morrison said that the company also repackaged the imported pollen, attaching ‘Kiwi Pollen New Zealand’ labels to the new packaging. This reinforced the impression that the pollen was from New Zealand, particularly where there were no clear qualifications on its packaging, advertising material or website that some of its pollen was imported.


where are zespri kiwi grown

▲where are zespri kiwi grown

“Our investigation showed that kiwifruit growers consider the country of origin of pollen to be very important,” said Ms Morrison.


Zealand Kiwi Pollen

▲ Pollen Company

“Those customers who were supplied imported pollen were not aware of the fact it was imported and were denied the opportunity or ability to make an informed decision about whether to purchase it in the first place.”




In considering what action to take against Kiwi Pollen, the Commission looked at the possible harm caused to customers and competitors by Kiwi Pollen’s conduct. In particular, the Commission looked into allegations that the imported pollen was a potential source of the Pseudomona syringe actinidiae (Psa) outbreak.

在考慮對Kiwi Pollen采取什么行動時,委員會考慮了Kiwi Poller的行為可能對客戶和競爭對手造成的傷害。特別是,委員會調查了進口花粉是假單胞菌注射錒系(Psa)爆發(fā)的潛在來源的指控。



“We have examined information from numerous sources and have found there is no conclusive evidence to show that the imported pollen sold by Kiwi Pollen caused the Psa outbreak in New Zealand,” said Ms Morrison.

Morrison女士說:“我們檢查了許多來源的信息,發(fā)現沒有確鑿的證據表明Kiwi pollen出售的進口花粉導致了新西蘭的Psa爆發(fā)?!?/p>



We are not satisfied that competitors or customers suffered any provable loss or harm as a result of Kiwi Pollen’s conduct. The conduct was short in duration and no longer continues, and it did not appear to be deliberate. For these reasons the Commission has decided to warn Kiwi Pollen rather than prosecute.

我們不滿意競爭對手或客戶因Kiwi Pollen的行為而遭受任何可證明的損失或傷害。這種行為持續(xù)時間很短,不再繼續(xù),而且似乎不是故意的。出于這些原因,委員會決定警告Kiwi Pollen而不是起訴。



The Fair Trading Act 1986 is designed to protect consumers and make competition more effective. If competition is to be effective, consumers need to be able to rely on the information provided by companies about the goods and services they offer.

False or misleading representations can distort competition and a competitive advantage can be gained by using unfair methods. The Commission is responsible for enforcing the Fair Trading Act. You can read more about the Fair Trading Act and Country of Origin claims on our Place of Origin Representations page.


Kiwi Pollen

▲Kiwi Pollen Company







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